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Raid One

Layla Cambria!

Our first raid, and quite possibly one of the funniest reactions we will have as we go foward doing this every month! This raid was special to us all because it was our first, the first time we came together as a group with the pure intention of making someone smile! And, with a few hiccups along the way, it went smoothly and was a complete success!


So please, enjoy reading her reactions, watch the video and soak up the love!

It Began Like This..

And Then Comes This..

Some of our troop wishes to remain Anonymous and so did not tweet, but were very much there in love, kindness and spirit through the whole thing !

And Obviousy Then..

Did We Do This? Oops!

And Finally..

My Thanks..

I want to say a HUGE thankyou to my Raid Brigade, for being some of the most, kind, selfless, amazing human beings this planet will ever see!


We all suffer in our own ways, we struggle through dark times and we push on, but to want to still spread love and joy to others, is a gift, a gift you all pocess and I am SO grateful and honored to know you all and to do this with you every month!


And to Layla, for being a trooper, for waiting for her items for over a week without opening a single one, for sitting up till stupid AM to make, edit and upload this video - We hope we brought you some light to a dark time <3


Kayla - #TheRaidBrigade

''Did someone send me a bomb?!''

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